About me

Hello! Welcome to My STREET.

Glad to find you here. I’m Mircea… the one on the left of the picture 😉

I live in Cluj, Romania, but “My STREET” is actually on all the beautiful locations I get to visit and enjoy all around the world. Everywhere I Sleep, Train, Race, Eat, Experience & Travel. Only positive impressions, I will not upset you with negative ones.

These are the things I write, take pictures and make videos about. I will always try to include relevant information so that it can be useful to you, with images identical to real life, no filters, no color grading, just the way that comes out from the cameras.

If you like this page please follow also the YouTube, Facebook & Instagram accounts for more related content. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer you.

You can read the articles by finding all of them on this map (zoom in for discovering the ones that are really close together):